Thursday, 5 July 2007

PQs on Defence and Scotland dual role

Today's Scotsman included a report on Parliamentary Questions asked yesterday by Robert Wilson, Reading East MP, and James Gray, a Scots-born Wiltshire MP regarding the "part time" Defence/Scottish Secretary. Now it seems that Des Browne's "two jobs" won't be part time at all - he'll be giving over his Scottish Secretary duties to David Cairns.

Why bother with the title, if the role means nothing? Does Gordy not trust David to do the job without having someone to hold his hand?

The report also stated that:
"A source close to Mr Browne dismissed the concerns about the dual role as unjustified. They added that the Cabinet minister had already made clear he would work as hard as he had to to take on both roles "even if he has to get up an hour earlier".
A whole hour? Lucky us!


  1. Even I as a (lapsed) Tory share your dismay at the implication that the Scottish job can be relegated to a part-time role. On the other hand, with my 'libertarian' hat on, I would prefer if government and its interference in our lives could be reduced substantially both at Westminster and at Holyrood and a large proportion of the redundant workforce (elected and civil service) released back into the labour force to fulfil more productive roles - then it would certainly not be a full-time job. All this would mean, of course, that taxation levels could be cut substantially as well - leading I have no doubt to explosive growth in the economies of the whole country and the various parts of it, Scotland included. The orthodoxy of our present crippling political arrangements, and government interference in almost every aspect of our lives, is simply not one that I accept - even if I as a law-abiding citizen submit meekly, if irritatedly, to it. I thought you might be interested to read that there are other points of view than the relentlessly 'statist' ;)

  2. Hmmmm.

    'Two jobs' Browne.

    Is that the same as 'Two wages' Salmond?

  3. anonymous


    go buy a jokebook.

  4. It might be a cheap shot regarding Mr Gray's credentials to speak with authority on such matters, but was he really in post as Shadow Scottish Secretary for long enough to be classed as having been either full or part time himself? :-)
