Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Gagging the press

As a regular reader of Private Eye, I've been really disappointed with moves towards gagging of the press. An article in their most recent edition (Eye 1246) begins

"Last month a certain institution obtained a high court injunction to prevent a certain newspaper from publishing a certain document. More than that we cannot say; to do so is fraught with danger"

It's difficult enough to find really interesting pieces of investigative journalism these days without lawyers preventing us even knowing about why we can't be told something.

Things have now moved a bit further, and the Guardian has been blocked from reporting a question in Parliament on this whole affair. This is clearly ridiculous. Hansard is online, so we the public can read and consider the words of wisdom (or otherwise) spoken by our elected representatives. If we can see it, the press should be able to report it.

Enter the blogosphere and twitter. A number of people are linking now to wikileaks and, since I saw his post first, I'll link also to Guido. Lets get this out there!

Update: I've been pointed in the direction of this: http://trendsmap.com/

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