Tuesday, 18 May 2010

PEEK show

I was glad to go along to the PEEK AGM and show on Thursday night. Whatever they happen to be doing, PEEK are very professional, and this show was no different.

Held at the Bridge in Easterhouse, the junior and senior theatre groups wowed with their productions of storybook tales and The Red Shoes. The younger children were bright, enthusiastic, and oh-so-cute acting out Going on a Bear Hunt, but the seniors really did take my breath away; different girls played the lead character, Karen, through her journey, but the quality of each was top notch. There were no words spoken by the cast during their performance, but you could see every emotion expressed quite clearly.

Some of those taking part in the show have now been involved in PEEK for several years, and are going on to pastures new - I'd like to wish them all the best.

I hope that PEEK get the chance to take their performances to other audiences - they really were so good, it's a shame to keep it to themselves!

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