Tuesday 10 February 2009

School closure update

Since I last wrote, things have moved on in the school closure campaign. I've met several more times with parents from St James Primary and Queen Mary Street Nursery, along with local ministers. The group has agreed a date for placard making - this Wednesday at 6.30 in Bridgeton Community Learning Centre - and arranged for two public demonstrations on the 14th and the 21st. The parents have set up a bebo site too, where local people are pledging support.

The parents have suggested moving Queen Mary Street into St James, which would keep both and save a little on the running costs of Queen Mary Street. I've been meeting also with my Labour ward colleagues, and we're starting to put together a business case. There are significant social and educational reasons for keeping the schools, particularly with the backdrop of health stats in the East End.

The details of the affected schools are on the Council website - if you have a view, please please make your voice heard.

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