This last part of his speech is almost like poetry, with some great turns of phrase.
We have the best team on the park and we govern for the whole of Scotland.
But politics is nothing without a bigger vision
In government, much is in the day-to-day
But you must still keep an eye on the horizon
On the big prize
For us that prize is independence
But independence is a means to an end
That end is a society safe, happy, healthy
Confident in its skin
A global citizen acting to help the world where it can
Because the map makers’ ink is becoming smudged on every border
Globalism, the rise of the knowledge economy, the big economic changes, the great environmental challenges
All point to a world where the responsibility of the nation
Is to raise people who are responsible to the world
And the definition of a nation is a community of people with a shared commitment to their culture and to their children
By having a strong sense of ourselves
That allows our new communities from Asia to know what it meant to be Scottish
And to give them something to join, to be part of
And that sense of self is built on community
On the shared value of helping each other out, lending a hand
On a sense that society should try to be as equal as it can be
That is what we value and what we think is the purpose of government.
To the rights of the ordinary to triumph over vested interests.
In our capital city of Edinburgh there stands a monument to Thomas Muir and his fellow friends of the people
His memory should cast a beam across the work of every civil servant in the Scottish Government and every Minister – because the monument to Muir and his fellows revolutionaries spikes out of Calton graveyard like a shaft of stony light across from St Andrews House.
And this monument contains Muir's own vision:
“I have devoted myself to the cause of The People. It is a good cause - it shall ultimately prevail - it shall finally triumph.”
And his message was not just for this place, but for every place
For his spirit, for Robert Burn's spirit, Jimmy Reid’s spirit, our spirit,
It is for the common weal.
The rights of man - and of women
And the legitimacy of the ordinary over the powerful
This party has travelled a similar path
This movement, this nation, has been patronized, talked down, told it wasn't good enough.
And yet this party has risen from a few MPs and a land without a parliament, to a Scotland with a parliament, and an SNP government
We never lost the strength of hope - and we fought on to triumph.
But we, in our mix of the national and the international, of the personal and the political, we fought not to govern over people
But for the people to govern over themselves
It is for that reason and that reason above all that we are the Friends of the People of Scotland and for that reason we shall prevail."