Tuesday 22 February 2011


Some info on upcoming roadworks in the Calton ward area.

The main changes which have been approved following statutory consultation; are the proposals to amend the existing waiting and loading along the route in order to construct a new on carriageway segregated cycle path on London Road from Bridgeton Cross to Kirkpatrick Street and footway widening works on James Street and London Road from Kirkpatrick Street to Boden Street to provide a new 4.5m wide shared pedestrian / cycle path.

In addition, the following works will also be undertaken:

Upgrades to the Pedestrian Crossings at James Street / Arcadia Street & London Road / Dunn Street.

Bus stop upgrades along the route with the installation of High Access kerbs and enhanced bus shelters.

Newlay Civil Engineering Ltd have been appointed to undertake these works and intend to start on site week commencing 21  February 2011, the duration of the whole of the works being approximately 8 weeks. 

Every effort will be made to maintain loading/unloading facilities within the area affected, although some disruption will be inevitable and it may be necessary for local residents and businesses to liaise with the contractor regarding deliveries/ rubbish removal, etc, as work progresses.

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