Sunday 20 July 2008

Glasgow East By Election

Apologies for the lack of updates - I've been incredibly busy juggling work and the by election, as well as trying to throw together a wedding!

Indygal so nicely reported, I also spent two nights in hospital after a dog bite went nasty. It was a disruption I could have been doing without! After a lot of IV antibiotics, the infection stopped tracking back along my hand and my finger returned to it's normal size. The staff at the Royal Infirmary were great, and made sure I was fighting fit before they let me go.

I'm not the only one who's been bitten during the campaign - four of us were swapping stories yesterday afternoon - so you could surmise it's a risky business delivering leaflets! I've had a lot of narrow misses during the campaign so far, so I'm certainly wary when I'm out working.

I wish more dog owners would think of the risks posties and activists take just a wee bit more and install an external letter box. We don't get our fingers chewed, people get their mail in one piece. I could put a picture of my finger up to make my point, but I don't want to put you off your dinner...


Dave said...

Pleased to hear you are back in health - look after yourself!

Best wishes

doctorvee said...

Sorry to hear about the bite -- it must be one of an activist's biggest dreads! Glad to hear you're fine again.

Jeff said...

I read about this in (at least one) Sunday paper at the weekend.

Nasty stuff and good to hear all digits are accounted for...!

gurugordon said...

Are you sure it was a dog and not perhaps Margaret Curran?