Tuesday 15 June 2010

Litter and bugs

I went along to London Road Nursery School last week to join the children in a litter pick of the area.

Whilst there, I had the honour of hanging the sign on their new 'bug mansion', part of their eco-initiative to improve biodiversity. It's a big concept for nursery children, but they seemed to get the basics - bugs like plants and that's a good thing!

The children were very enthusiastic about the litter picking too, using the pickers provided to fill quite a few black backs. It's a shame when you have to count on nursery aged children to take a pride in the area, but I'm sure they'll be quick to tell their bigger brothers and sisters and their parents not to drop litter in future.

Thanks go to the nursery staff for having me along (and making sure I didn't leave with any bugs!), and to Colin from Local News Glasgow, who took the photograph.

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