Wednesday 23 March 2011

Would you like your road repaired?

I've just received the following email... if you have any suggestions please get back to me and I'll add them to my list!

Dear Elected Member

Following the Council’s decision to award a further additional £8M capital to address the road condition challenge in Glasgow we are currently finalising our suggested programme for next year.

Could I, therefore, ask that you provide me with any detail based on local knowledge of locations or schemes that you would wish to have considered in the 2011/12 spend before we finalise this proposal.  Thereafter we will discuss the draft programme with Area Committees and other interested groups.

A response by Thursday 31 March 2011 would be appreciated as it would allow us to consider your priorities with those currently being developed by our Roads Investment Group.
Thanking you in anticipation for your assistance.



Robert Booth
Executive Director
Glasgow City Council
Land and Environmental Services
231 George Street


Alan M said...

I know its not your area but Great Western Rd is an absolute disgrace. Particularly the eastbound section approaching Anniesland Cross and also between Cleveden Rd and Byres Rd Eastbound again.
Fulton Street (from Netherton Rd to Knightscliffe Ave) would test the abilities of a Challenger Tank.

cynicalHighlander said...

OT but enjoy.

Dear Westminster: a divorce letter