Friday 26 February 2010

Election speculation part deux

People are speculating and nervy rumours are circulating on the prospect of a March election.

Further to my previous speculatory post, I see today that the Council Diary now appears online up until the 7th of May. It's nice that the business of Glasgow City Council isn't to be disrupted by any pesky elections... Whether the election is called on 25th of March or the 6th of May, the committees below, held on those days, will probably be struggling for a quorum.

09:30 Licensing and Regulatory Committee
11:00 Drumchapel Anniesland Area Committee
13:30 Shettleston Area Committee
15.30 Green Group


Anonymous said...

So when's the expected Big Date then ?

No - not the date of the Election. The date your baby is due ?


BellgroveBelle said...

I'm due on the 27th of June - but it's the Election I'm concentrating on for now!

Tartan Hero said...

Budget day is 23 March. All appears set for 6 May...