Friday 12 February 2010

Happy news

The world, at least as far as my family, friends, facebook and the Cooncil are now all aware of this good news, so I reckoned it's time to share it with you: Joe and I are expecting a baby at the end of June, and I'm very nervous and excited.

I had a scan today, and am just into my twenty-first week.

I intend to be carrying on with my Council work as much as I can - and all the Labourites out there should know I'm certainly not going to be using pregnancy as an excuse to slack off on the election campaigning!

More importantly, with all the technology available, blackberry and such, I'll still be able to carry out my duties as a Councillor. It's a new challenge, but I aim to be up for it!


subrosa said...

What delightful news. Don't you be overdoing it now because this will be the last chance you ever have to be totally pampered. :)

Cruachan said...

Congratulations. Best wishes to all three of you.

joe90 kane said...

Technology is unbelievable.

That's some image to broadcast to the rest of the world - brilliant stuff BB.

A cousin told me how she went to the doctors, because she'd been feeling a bit odd lately, especially mornings - the doc told her, then and there, she was carrying twins. Young free and single my arse - ho ho ho how I laughed with her and shrieked at the same time. Wonderful news.

Congratulations and take care.

BellgroveBelle said...

Thanks very much everyone for your good wishes. The technology is absolutely amazing - you can see it's wee heart beating!

Unknown said...

This is lovely. Many congratulations. I remember how lovely it was to have those first scan photos. Hope you're keeping well.

You've timed this all rather well to coincide with the Council Summer recess as well:0).

Of all the things I've ever done, being a mum is the one I've loved the most.

When my wee one was a baby I thought she couldn't get any more lovely but I've felt the same with every successive new stage right up until the present day. We have the teens rapidly approaching, though. I just hope it stays that way....

BellgroveBelle said...

Thanks Caron - I've been fine so far, fingers crossed! The timing was more good luck than good planning, but it's nice to know I'll have a bit more time to get to know the wee one when it arrives. Lots of gala days over the summer to take it to!

G Laird said...

Dear Alison


You should take the time to read up about your pregnancy and adjust your lifestyle accordingly.

Fatigue is a common problem.

As to election campaigning, I would suggest you think about office based activities.

But not campaign managers assistant that job is high rev stress.

And thankless.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University