Monday 22 February 2010

Scottish Social Media Dinner

I enjoyed participating in the Scottish Social Media Dinner last week - lots of interesting people, mostly from non-political backgrounds. Thanks to Craig McGill of Contently Managed for the invite, and for the attendees for listening and asking so many searching questions. I found the night interesting, and I've left with several good ideas.

Tom Harris, Andrew Reeves and Patrick Harvie all had interesting things to say about blogging, tweeting and social media in general. A couple of good summaries from attendees are here and here: my other half tells me I 'ummed' too much in my speech, for which I apologise. I was also more political than the guys, for which I don't apologise at all! Being political is part of why I started blogging, and telling my point of view of life in Glasgow City Council is also quite important to me.

In related news, I joined Twitter today and installed the widget as you can see. The dinner really made me think more about Twitter, which I had previously dismissed as being a bit too intstant for my purposes - I do still worry about getting myself into bother!

The comments from Patrick at the dinner made me reconsider; he demonstrated how politicians could use Twitter to get input from members of the public in advance of events, meetings and debates. I see Tom has put up some tips today, which I intend to take on board. I'll see how it goes, and welcome any other tips and ideas!

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